Carolyn Hall

2020 WoWHaus Residency

Due the Covid crisis of 2020, we adjusted our offerings to be in line with restrictions. We were pleased that we were able to continue our residency program, even in a much reduced capacity.

Our 2020 Cohort:

2019 WoWHaus & Underwater NY Residency

The Works on Water Studio Residency provides an incubator space for diverse investigations of water in the urban environment. Works on Water, in partnership with Underwater New York, has brought together scientists, policy-makers, and visual, performance-based and literary artists working on, in and with the water since 2018. Through open studios, performances, monthly conversations, and other exhibitions of work in progress, WoW has invited institutions, organizations, and the public into a dialogue about the emerging field of Water Art. Please join us as we work to strengthen the community of artists and practitioners working in water-based planning, science, policy, and art to define the future of our waterways.

Our 2019 Cohort:

2018 Power of Ten

Working creatively with water and waterways is inherently interdisciplinary, and requires creativity and collaboration across many different sectors. Issues related to water cross social, cultural, ecological, and political boundaries.

Power of Ten is an opportunity to intersect with people from different fields who are focused on water, and initiate concrete cross-disciplinary collaborative projects. All thinkers and do-ers are welcome—scientists, social/environmental justice activists, designers, artists, performers, planners, architects, and more. 

The Power of Ten is a path to problem-solving, reimagining, unearthing inequity, finding new approaches and understanding how to become accomplices. In this workshop we will facilitate a process of creative collaboration with the aim of realizing projects on, in, and around the water.